Since 2019 I’ve been submitting short stories to The People’s Friend Magazine, and am delighted that my stories regularly appear in the weekly magazine and the Specials. Here’s a link to a couple of my published stories, which are currently featured on their website:
Thank you to Scarlet Leaf Review for publishing ‘The Books on the Shelf’:

One of my favourite short stories appears in the fundraising anthology A Kind of Mad Courage [UK / US] under the title ‘Verity’. It’s about a woman who has carried a family secret for far too long. One Amazon reviewer says: ‘So touching, really moving, I loved it.’
In 2013 I entered a competition run by Safkhet Publishing, and my short story, ‘From Hackney to Hollywood’ was chosen to be included in an anthology called Romantic Heroes under the title ‘The Stars They Never Own’. Unfortunately the anthology is no longer available, but it seems a shame for the story to disappear completely, so I’ve had a little tinker, and offer it here under its original title. I hope you enjoy it.